The Simpson Prize is a national competition for Year 9 and 10 students. The competition encourages participants to explore the significance of the Anzac experience and what it has meant for Australia.
The student winners, runners-up and teacher chaperones from each state and territory enjoy a two-day trip to Canberra where they visit several of the capital’s museums and institutions, attend the presentation ceremony at Parliament House, and enjoy a dinner with cadets at the Australian Defence Force Academy
Accompanied by two teacher chaperones and a historian from the Australian War Memorial, the eight state and territory student winners will then travel to overseas battlefields in April (incorporating Anzac Day commemorations). This is no doubt an opportunity of a lifetime!
2021 Simpson Prize Competition
Question “How do lesser known stories from the Western Front expand our understanding of the Australian experience of the First World War?”
Instructions The Simpson Prize requires students to respond to the quote and question above using both the Simpson Prize Australian War Memorial Source Selection (which can be found at and their own research. They are encouraged to agree, debate with or challenge the statement from a variety of perspectives – individual, national and global – and to use sources in a variety of forms. Students are expected to make effective use of a minimum of three of the sources provided (see link above). Up to half of their response should also make use of information drawn from their own knowledge and research.
Entries Close: Friday 6 November 2020 All Competition Details are available at: